About Us
Calais Rod and Gun Club
Calais Rod and Gun Club is Washington County’s original Fish and Game Club and was formed on March 1, 1939 in Calais, Maine. The initial by-laws were accepted at the March 1, 1939 meeting indicating that several work sessions had taken place prior to the March meeting. The object of this organization are social, educational and scientific for the promotion of the fish and game interests of the State of Maine, and to assist and encourage in every possible way the enforcement of the fish and game laws.
Club facilities include a large clubhouse with a kitchen and meeting room, a trap field, a skeet and five-stand field, a 25 yard outdoor pistol range.
The rifle range has a 50, 100, 150 and 200 yard berms.
Clay targets are $7 per round of 25 for skeet, trap and five stand.
*No rifles larger than .22 cal. on the pistol range! No full metal jacketed bullets on the falling steel targets!
The Calais Rod and Gun Club is located on the Charlotte road directly across from the public boat landing on Round Pond.
The Calais Rod and Gun Club holds regular meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM at the clubhouse usually preceded by a Pot Luck Supper at 6:00. Meeting are held April thru December.
The membership is open and you are invited to join the Calais Rod & Gun Club.
Becoming a Member
If you wish to become a member of the Calais Rod and Gun Club, please contact us or print and complete the Application Form and mail it to us with payment.
Individual dues are $35.00 and Family dues are $40.00 per year and are payable annually on January 1st. Ask us about our LIFE MEMBERSHIPS!