Range Safety Standard Operating Procedure (RSSOP)

Range Safety Standard Operating Procedure (RSSOP)



All shooting club members and shooting guest must have a signed “Acknowledgement of Receipt” of this “Range Safety Standard Operating Procedure” (RSSOP)on file with the Club to acknowledge having received and read the RSSOP.

The Four Commandments of Gun Safety are the driving considerations for Range Safety. These 4 rules are comprehensive and each rule reinforces and supports each other rule. All Club Members and their guests should understand these rules and their derivatives and implications. These 4 rules are explicated below, but the explications should not be considered comprehensive. There are many possible variations of unsafe acts which stem from failure to understand and follow the 4 basic commandments. It is the shooter’s responsibility to understand these rules, to wear eye and ear protection, and to master the manual of arms and safe handling of his/her firearm.


I. The Gun Is Always Considered Loaded.

II. Never Point A Gun At Something You’re Not Prepared To Destroy.

III. Always Be Sure Of Your Target And What Is Behind It.

IV. Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Your Sights Are On The Target.


The 4 Commandments of Gun Safety should not be considered as all inclusive in listing every possible specific unsafe condition which may arise. Common sense, sound knowledge, and common courtesy should drive range operations and will suggest many more specific safety considerations and specific operational and administrative requirements.

Firearms use has implicit dangers. Bringing a firearm to the Club is an individual choice for which the individual is responsible.

The Club encourages all members to actively study and work at firearms safety and skill. Ignorance is no excuse for failure to observe safety precautions and the club assumes no responsibility for members’ actions resulting from ignorance or negligence or intent to destroy property or injure themselves or others.

All persons present on the range should consider themselves SAFETY OFFICERS with the requirement to call a CEASE FIRE at any time an unsafe act is observed.

A responsible adult club member should always be in charge of any shooting activity on the Club ranges. During informal shooting, i.e. shooting as individuals when 2 or more personnel are present rather than as part of an organized activity, the first responsible, adult club member on the specific range is considered the RANGE OFFICER on that particular range. He remains so until he turns the responsibility over to another shooter or departs the vacant range. Regular administrative CEASE FIRES will be called to permit shooters to place, replace, or mark targets.

A Cease Fire will be called immediately when an UNSAFE ACT is observed. When a shooter or shooters is/are down range, all firearms on the firing line will be unloaded, cleared, and the actions left open if the firearm design permits or otherwise rendered safe. NO ONE on the firing line will handle firearms, ammunition, or magazines while other shooters are down range.

No person will attempt to fire a firearm on the Club facilities until he or she is thoroughly familiar with the manual of arms of that particular firearm. Optimally, a person with an unfamiliar firearm should learn its manual of arms before bringing it to the range. Before attempting to load an unfamiliar weapon that has been brought to the club, the individual should indicate to the range officer or experienced club member that he or she has an unfamiliar gun and seek instruction in the manual of arms for that firearm. Shooters who are not experienced with a particular shooting discipline should so state to a club member and seek instruction about how that particular exercise is conducted.

No persons are permitted on any of the ranges when under the influence of drugs or alcohol which impair judgment and actions. This includes prescription drugs. No club members will bring guests to the firing ranges that are under the influence of alcohol and drugs. Members are responsible for the actions of their guests.

All shooters should police up their brass and trash on completion of shooting and either take it home or dump it in the club dumpster. This club is a home facility for its members and members should keep it clean and in repair.

Scheduled Club activities take priority over individual shooter requirements. The pistol range is closed during Club meetings or classes held in the Club house. The rifle range is closed during scheduled skeet shoots.

I. The Gun Is Always Considered Loaded.

  • No Safety Violation is excused or mitigated by declaring that the gun is empty. Incorrectly cleared firearms kill people.
  • Firearms will not be loaded or unloaded off the firing line or designated firing points. The exception is when a supervised combatives range is being run and is clearly designated a “hot range.” During cease fires, shooters will NOT handle weapons or ammunition while anyone is down range.
  • See Rules II, III, and IV.

II. Never Point A Gun At Something You’re Not Prepared To Destroy.

  • This rule includes walking off the firing line or firing point while clearing your SHOTGUN, RIFLE, or HANDGUN. LOAD your firearm on the Firing Point or Firing Line and NOT while moving to the firing position. CLEAR your firearm on the firing point or firing line with the muzzle kept down range. Do not turn off the firing point and clear your weapon when facing or moving towards firing relay or spectators. Do not recover dropped cartridges while on the firing point preparing to fire. Wait until after firing is completed and the firearm is cleared.
  • No handling of firearms, ammunition, or magazines while anyone is down range.
  • Wanton acts of VANDALISM to include acts of ignorance or negligence which destroy or damage club property are subject to criminal prosecution. Less grievous examples of malicious behavior, ignorance or negligence which could damage club property or injure other members may result in the member or members being disqualified from shooting at the Club for that day or by having range privileges or club membership revoked. Members are responsible for the actions of their guests or guests.
  • See Rule I, III, and IV.

III. Always Be Sure Of Your Target And What Is Behind It.

  • Rounds fired in the ground immediately in front of the shooter or around or over the berm when a berm is present are unsafe acts and subject to immediate disqualification from shooting. Repetitive acts may result in denial of range privileges or revocation of club privileges.
  • Shooters will NOT fire high velocity jacketed pistol ammunition at pistol caliber steel targets—this basically precludes jacketed rounds at 1000 fps or greater. Shooters will NOT fire rifles at pistol steel nor engage rifle steel at handgun ranges. Once a steel target is ‘holed’ or dimpled, ricochets become unpredictable and create a safety hazard. See also vandalism and destruction of Club property.
  • TARGETS will be hung so that shooters do not destroy Club target supports or back stops. Shooters will not shoot deliberately at target holders.
  • See RULES I, II, and IV.

IV. Keep Your Finger Off The Trigger Until Your Sights Are On The Target.

  • Until ready to fire, the trigger finger should be off the trigger and rested on a higher plane than the trigger to preclude negligent discharges.
  • There are NO accidental discharges, ONLY NEGLIGENT DISCHARGES.
  • See Rules I, II, and III.

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